Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Family That Snores Together

I am a very light sleeper, and one of the things I was grateful for when Blake and I first got together was that he didn't snore.  Not only do I wake easily, I happen to find snoring one of the top 5 most annoying sounds ever (right up there with alarm clocks and nails on a chalkboard).

Fast forward 3 years, and like all good relationships ours has gone through many changes.  For instance, snoring.  It began as the occasional snore when Mr. Perfect was congested from allergies, and a little rub on his arm or back was all it took to stop the snore in its tracks.  Now it's a nightly occurance, usually starting right about the time I turn off my Kindle to fall asleep.  Blake (who falls asleep before I do) has some kind of internal alarm that lets him know, "Hey!  She's putting that thing away!  Quick, start snoring NOW!"  The arm/back trick still works...for about 5 seconds.  The moment I turn over and get comfy the snoring starts again.  Luckily Blake also has this wonderful trait of being able to fall back asleep immediately (Baby Aidan, are you listening?!), so when I wake him up and ask him to turn over, he usually falls back asleep in the middle of his apology.

Then along came Callie.

You would not believe the snoring power encapsulated in this little furry bundle.  There have been nights where I actually woke up Blake, mistaking her snores for his!  And it doesn't stop at snoring.  She barks, whines, and growls in her dreams, sometimes in between snores so it sounds something like this:  "rrrrrRUFF!  Zzzzzzzzsnore.  rrrrrrRUFF!  Zzzzzzzsnore.  whinewhinewhinewhinewhineSNORE!"  This comical midnight show usually ends with Callie waking herself up and looking at us like, "Who was making all that noise?  You woke me up!"

Up to now I have remained the silent sleeper, patiently sacrificing my sleep as long as possible so my hard working husband and wee baby pup can get their much needed zzz's.  (Insert Blake rolling eyes). Then there was the third trimester.  A few nights ago I was falling gently asleep when a loud "snorrrrrrre" jerked me out of my relaxed state.  I opened my eyes and rolled over to check on my husband and puppy...and found myself alone in the bedroom.  Must have been a dream, I thought rolling back over.  Until it happened again...and this time I felt the rumble in the back of my throat and nose.  Great.  I now officially have the pregnancy snores.

So if you hear a slightly out of tune trio at about 3 in the morning, the gentle soprano "rrrrrrrr" with the robust tenor "RRRRRR" and the occasional "rrrrrrRUFF!", don't worry.  It's just our nightly family ritual, helping to bring us closer together than ever, uniting us in our mutual lack of sleep.  

1 comment:

  1. Funny post! I want to see belly pics!

    TAG! You're it!
