Thursday, September 27, 2012

Our New Normal

You'll forgive me for failing to write up any of our little adventures for the last...well, almost year.  The arrival of Aidan has thrown our world into a whirlwind of diaper changes, bottle feedings, grandparent visits, and general happy chaos.  It's only taken six months for us to get into somewhat of a routine, and I'm now finding myself with a few free spare least until the next phase of whatever.

It's not that I'm at a loss for things to write about.  There's Aidan's birth, for starters.  My 10 pound bowling ball took after his mama and made a dramatic entrance...which you will be able to read about soon.  Then there's motherhood itself...all it's cracked up to be and then some.  There's my marriage, my in-laws, and my crazy awesome supportive parents who just happen to live on what I lovingly refer to as the funny farm.  My life is a plethora of stories just waiting to be told.

And here it is, a Thursday night at 9:00 and I have a glass of wine in hand, the baby in bed, and the dog sleeping on the couch (my wonderful husband is at work, which is a story in itself...).  And I have some free time.  So let's get started...

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